Paul Odelson / PROFILE

The Solihull Questionnaire

If Land Rover made an aircraft would you fly in it?   Why/Why Not?

No. Hell no. Don’t want to play the “what’s that noise” game at 5,000 feet 

Tell us a little about your background, your career, and where you live.

Born in New York City, Staten Island to be exact, aka the cousin Oliver of the boroughs. Grew up in Jersey. Went to college in New Hampshire fell in love with New England and never left. I practice real estate in Boston, but live about a 100 miles out of town in rural New Hampshire in a town with no post office and more dogs than people.

What’s your team name?

Team Blockheads. When you see my yellow labs it makes total sense

How many Land Rovers have you owned and which was your favorite?

A 73 Series 3 88, 96 Disco, 93 RRC, 95 RRC and currently a 60 109, 67? Lightweight and a 98 D1. By far the lightweight.  Actually has a little speed, for a Rover

What’s the best thing about owning a Land Rover?

They give you a sense of humor and patience and if they don’t, nothing will

What’s the worst thing about owning a Land Rover?

I’ve heard good things about something called “heat” inside vehicles. Hoping Land Rover decides to look into that one day.

Been on an adventure? – tell us about it

Are we talking a breakdown adventure? Because I don’t know how much room I have.

If you could ask Land Rover for a particular type of vehicle what would it be?

A lhd 130 would be nice but a vehicle from Rover chock full of lightweight parts would be nicer.  You know how tough it is to source lightweight parts in the States??

If you were on safari which three (living, dead, or fictional) people would you pick to bring along?

George Adamson

Denys Finch Hatton

Taylor Swift. I mean have you seen that video with her and the Rovers?

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